Hotel Booking API Integration

We’re an API integration technology partner ensuring to provide the best hotel API integration to clients across the world.

What is Hotel Booking API?

In crystal words, a hotel booking API or hotel API is a virtual or web-enabled service encouraging hospitality and tourism institutions to garner data and information such as availability of number of rooms, prices from various places, making it easier for users see online.

eWeblink Technology hotel API is linked with thousands of hotels rooms suppliers in India and worldwide. We’re an API integration technology partner ensure to provide best hotel API integration to clients across the world. We at eWeblink Technology, make it easy for you to search hotel online with our hotel booking API integration partners like Hotelsbed, GRNConnect, Hotelspro, Hotelsbed, 24x7rooms, Sabre and so on globally.

Let’s dig in below and understand…

hotel booking api integration

How does hotel Booking API work?

Hotel booking API works by coalescing Hotel content API to procure current information from the hotel. The information includes description, pictures, facilities, services, and so on. The developers at eWeblink Technology provide you the best real-time hotel rates, availability of rooms, booking/cancellation report. Not only do you get hotel data and information, but also get direct hotel booking via online booking portal One and Only eWeblink Technology.

hotel booking api integration

A list of Top Hotel API Suppliers

eWeblink Technology has linked API with plenty of hotels out there. As a travel agency, you have option to integrate your website with multiple hotel XML including Hotelsbed API, Hotelspro XML API, Grnconnect API, 24x7rooms API, and so on.

hotelsbed api integration

Hotelsbed API

Hotelsbed API is prominent for being the giant collector worldwide for B2B provider in travel industry. Today, Hotelsbed has about 50,000 travel distributors with annual booking of 50 million rooms in 200 countries worldwide. Hotelsbeds API integration offer you easy and free access to API.

hotelspro api integration

Hotelspro XML API

Another renowned name in the travel industry is Hotelspro XML API. It is a leading B2B hospitability offering quick access to best accommodation deals with hotel rates online. They’re linked with over 95,000 hotels in about 190 countries worldwide. You get 24/7 customer support from Hotelspro XML API integration.

GRN Connect API integration

GRNconnect API

Next online B2B Bedbank hotel booking portal in the list is GRNconnect API. They offer over 400k hotels and 50k apartments globally. With GRNconnect API integration, we enable GRNconnect to access 400,000 worldwide for our clients.

24x7rooms API integration

24x7rooms API

As the term suggests, 24x7rooms API allows you to get access of hotel accommodations at any time all over the world. You can also reserve hotels based on your needs and requirements.

dotw API integration

DOTW (Destination of the World)

Destinations of the World (DOTW) leading Hotel Deal Supplier serving over 1,200 cities globally. With 21 offices worldwide, over 400 professional staffs, over 80,000 ground services and accessed by over 150,000 travel agents worldwide. DOTW latest Hotel XML API allow travel agents to deliver hotel inventories at best rates and facilities.

roomxml hotel api integration

Rooms XML

Rooms XML Hohtel API, one of the most popular brand known for hotel rooms distributin system desined for b2b trvel companies. RoomsXML API Advantange - Over 80,000 hotels worldwide, serving over 180 countries, over 15,000 destinations, over 2400 resorts.

Approx Hotel API Costing and Hotel Booking API Integration Costing?

The eWeblink Technology allows clients to find the most affordable and competitive negotiated price for Hotel API and Hotel Booking API. For availing Hotel API from us, you’ll be charged between Rs.50,000 and 1,50,000 for Hotel API and $1500 to $3000 for Hotel API integration based on suppliers.

We ensure to be the most affordable Hotel API service provider for your business needs.

Best Hotel Booking API provider in India

Let’s face it, eWeblink Technology is your foremost Travel Technology partner offering you innovative solutions when it comes to Hotel Booking API in travel industry. We are the best Hotel API provider in India with our top-notch API integrations and solutions. We’re one step above from other suppliers by saving you time and money altogether. Our aim is to empower worldwide travel business and enhance their customer service ultimately. With our quality approach, professionalism, trustful connections have managed full efficacy to work with global Hotel API providers like GRNconnect API, Hotelsbed API, HotelsPro API, and many more.

For what you’re waiting? Grow your business with an all-in-one Hotel API provider solution eWeblink Technology. We’re here to assist. Why not connect with us right away?

A list of Hotel API Suppliers at a glance

Hotel Booking API

Hotel booking API is basically a web service rendering online functionality of searching and booking hotels. The Hotel API manage prices, availability, and variety of accommodation allowing clients to choose the best option available in the plate. And eWeblink Hotel Booking API allows you to fulfil booking accommodations worldwide.

Ready to Discuss your project (s)?

If you have any questions regarding your project, please contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.